Tuesday, July 1, 2008

it's just a joke, man, it's just an interview

My triumphant steps to the 24-hr-Kinko's (a photocopying place, not a porn shop, incidentally), zine in hand, were somewhat dampened as I realized in horror that I had forgotten my wallet.

So it gets put off for another little while...which makes me infuriated, because this shit should have been done in december. It's not like I've done any real work on it since, for goodness' sakes.

What made my venture out worth it was that I was listening to Le Tigre and wearing my boy scouts of america shirt. Most days I don't really want to go outside because I feel pretty ugly and gross and getting anywhere in this city requires you to sit down for about half an hour with a bunch of people, then walk for another half hour with a whole new bunch of people, all of whom are ridiculously well-styled and dressed. BUT when you have Kathleen Hanna fighting the good fight in your ears, you feel a little better.

Oh, and I stopped wearing makeup. So far it hasn't gone over well, as I've alternately wanted to cry and scream for the past three days. BUT WE'RE DOING OK, FOLKS! I'm also giving one last shot at the vegan life, which has made me feel significantly happier, because it means I make a lot of vegetable-based and delicious meals. Tonight: potato-carrot-curry soup.

Now, off to make comics and soup now...I'm a productive person with interests and personality. You believe me, right?

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