Thursday, July 3, 2008

yes, this really is an entry about alternatives to cheese.

Ah yes, there is but one working day until the weekend. Megan and I stepped on out for lunch today (we both brought one, but got coffee from Wanda's) and spent the entire (unpaid) hour bitching about how little work we have to do/how that makes the time a-drag. Miraculously, upon our arrival back, my boss had come up with a few things for me to do, which should also keep me busy all tomorrow morning. Holla!

After work, I scooted to the health food store and picked up what has ultimately restored my faith in vegan cheese. Back in Saskatoon, there were precious little options when it came to this: there was a brand available at Superstore that contained casein (really, why the fuck would you bother making soy cheese if you're going to put a milk protein in it? seriously guys), and another hideously overpriced brand at Steep Hill called something along the lines of Vegarella or Veganrella. Vegwhateverrella was not only overpriced, but slimy and seriously untasty.

Toronto is clearly a far more veg-friendly city. I can't recall the name of the brand I bought today, but boy howdy is it ever delicious, non-slimy, and completely lacking in secret milk proteins! It doesn't melt great, but nothing soy-based does, I suppose. Anyway, thanks, soy cheese, for a trip to tastytown (I had it in an olive bun with tomatoes and cucumbers).

On another note, thursdays are great, because they are often my "day-before-travelling-day", which is my favourite kind of day (other than travelling days). DFTDs get me super organized because I've got laundry to do, showers to take, delicious things to bake, and bags to pack. So I'm forced to be on the ball! Yyyyay! And I have something to look forward to! Yyyyay!

I'm off. Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

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