Tuesday, July 22, 2008

is your sweater on?

I think I might be the first person to have a diaper-related-injury.

And now before you all run screaming away from me, let me explain: Yesterday, for work, I was instructed to purchase $250 worth of diapers (which ended up being $274.04) for some care packages I'm making for prenatal mothers. I don't drive, and I don't carry a shopping cart around with me, so I got to take all of these shoved into four ENORMOUS bags for a bit of a walk to the subway station, then on the subway, then on a crowded streetcar. I have never received more looks of deep pity than yesterday, waddling down College Street, plastic handles twisting into my hands and occasionally pausing to attempt to secure my bangs off my forehead. Oy.

So when I woke up, my arms were incredibly sore and my shoulders feel as if someone has sliced through them with rusty breadknives.

But it's kind of hilarious, and I'm not too broken up about it.

On Sunday morning, Andrew and I ate Lucky Charms and watched cartoons, which has clearly inspired the entire house. Last night, we watched an almost-embarrassing amount of YTV programming, and Jen informed me that she, too, had succumbed to the deliciousness of the marshmallow-y goodness of a certain cereal. Basically, we're the perfect house.

And now, it is time to see what new delights await me at work.

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