Thursday, May 22, 2008

there's no riot...

My, my, what a day it's been. I woke up obscenely late and hauled myself up the stairs to eat some cornflakes and talk shit with my wonderful Southern Belle roommate, Jen, for a solid hour. Note: Jen may or may not actually have a Southern accent. I've been told I have a very vivid imagination when it comes to how people's voices sound (which is code for "I completely fucking make it up").

Following this, I patched a shirt and gave myself a haircut. I was sort of trying to hold out with my hair, but it was already pretty drastically layered from March and it would've grown out strange anyhow. This whole cutting-hair-business is kind of Bad News Bears because summer is coming and my hair tends to look reeeeally bad in the summer, especially if it's short. But know. I didn't even do that much; it's just shorter on one side now.

Thrilling, I'm aware.

What other wondrous things have I spent my time doing? Uploading CDs onto my new laptop. It's tedious, but weirdly satisfying. I'm mostly just killing an hour before I make delicious delicious vegetable stirfry.

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