Wednesday, February 25, 2009

this is just my own little unscientific inconsequential post-script

I think I'm getting sick. You know that feeling?

Last night, neither I nor my CPA (close personal associate, not certified public accountant) could sleep. Out of seemingly nowhere, he sat up in bed like an actor does in a movie after the character has an alarming dream and began, "If you were on a desert island..."

Among the things to decide were: what basic meal you would choose for the duration of my stay, what album you'd bring, and who you would get a yearly phone call to. The rest I can't really remember.

Anyway, I said tempeh and avocado sandwiches on whole wheat bread, Blonde on Blonde, and Cat (he chose chicken fried rice, Graceland, and one of his uncles). I don't consider Blonde on Blonde my favourite album of all time (in fact, I'm not entirely sure it would even be my favourite Dylan album or even on my top ten albums of all time), but I think it would be good desert-island music. Probably. Tempeh-avocado-sandwiches and Cat, on the other hand, are definitely two of my favourites of all time. There are other foods and people I love, of course, but nothing satisfies me like a tempeh avocado sandwich, or a more-than-an-hour-long phonecall with Cat.

The reason why I'm writing this seemingly inconsequential post is because I'm sick of studying for my final, even though said studying mainly consists of reading comic books, an otherwise enjoyable pursuit. I'm sorry for being such a slacker.

I am really looking forward to summer. Nightly, I dream of bicycle rides and evening walks and cotton dresses.


catherine anne said...

Now I'm not much one to toot my own horn (lol Bender), but
WHOOOOOOOOO! Glad to be nominated for this prestigious honour. I used to practice with a shampoo bottle and everything. :)

I actually, when reading this, thought that I would eat sandwiches too! also: graceland (is awesome)!!

cheepcheep said...

I love the number of references you fit into that post. Ahaha.

Sandwiches are amazing. Basically, it's an excuse to put everything you want in between two slices of bread and claim it's just one thing.