Tuesday, October 28, 2008

running returning

I'm going to stay put.

Or at least, I'm not going to think about leaving. The past week has really convinced me to stay in this city and not flee back home. I went to Canzine and learned about starting a distro. A guy named Tim asked me to illustrate some of his wheatpasted posters. I went to a meeting with the comics collective I recently became a part of and we all drew pictures of each other and planned the upcoming launch party. My friend Tyler sent me a message asking if V and I wanted to go over and play Settlers of Catan on thursday.

--> Sidenote: Tyler and I met on the 196 Express Bus. He was facing away from me, wearing a Turning the Tide bunnyhug (Turning the Tide = revolutionary bookstore in Saskatoon). Immediately, I thought "Oh my gosh. We have to be friends." When he turned around, I recognized his face because I went to his thesis-defense-afterparty with Meagan W. That week he came over for political discourse and vegan chocolate chip cookies. He is our PhD-seeking, married, real-life-living friend.

So really, what I'm trying to say is...I feel like I'm falling into place here.
I'd like to stay.

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