Monday, October 27, 2008


I wish I had a scanner or a digital camera so I could show you guys the more interesting facets of my life, like:
-the amazing pie I made last week
-the excellent loot I got from Canzine (some for free!)
-the drawings I'm making

I even trekked down to the library on Pape the other day (and by trek, I do mean a 15 minute walk...) in search of a scanner. No such luck. My sister informs me that Robarts has excellent scanners, so I guess I'll have to venture over there this weekend.

You know what else I wish?
I wish that I had super cool stories to impart to you, my small readership. In all actuality, my life has been relatively normal, other than kind of horrifying financial problems (which I mention constantly, because I have this stupid idea that by talking about them, it'll diminish the gravity of the situation). I've been slacking off at school, as per usual, and working my shifts at the medical clinic. The rest of my time is allotted to drawing, cooking delicious vegan dinners or studying with V, baking, knitting, and occasionally hanging out with *gasp* friends!

Yesterday I was hanging out with my friend Chris and his brother Rob, and Rob actually physically injured himself mocking Coldplay's performance on SNL. Seriously. I wish I could describe it in its full glory, but I cannot (p.s. the rest of the visit basically consisted of watching Rob re-enact every episode ever of South Park).

Lately I've been feeling a bit more conviction about being a vegan. Not that I was cheating before or anything, but I recently read some fucking awful stuff about factory farming and my disgust is kind of renewed. Seriously? Overfeeding pigs and chickens and cows until their legs break under their enormous weight?
--> anyone who says eating meat is natural should go for a little tour of a corporate farm. unless you're hunting your own wild game, there's nothing 'natural' about it.
(and p.s. guns aren't exactly natural either)

I don't want people to brand me as "that cranky vegan bitch", but seriously? Seriously.

(P.S. Don't worry, I still think PETA is fucking stupid. Anyone who compares anything to the Holocaust repeatedly and without realizing their error = moronic.)

Oh, and...

V and I were studying (she was reading about greenwashing; i was reading about the industrial revolution) and we kept reading passages out loud to one another. Basically, it resulted in an evaluation of how capitalism has repeatedly made our lives miserable. My current complaint: dear capitalism, thanks for making me hate my body and spend years of my life feeling you owned my very being.

Oh, except that anxiety disorders and eating disorders and any sort of ailment of the mind is clearly the result of chemical imbalances. That's why so many places other than the Western world have these problems!!

Quitting before I get too steamed and ridiculous,

1 comment:

catherine anne said...

hear hear! this was awesome to read..I love rants.

p.s. I spent several minutes the other day laughing about Coldplay..just coldplay in general, mind you, and I think I'd have died laughing at the injury-giving coldplay imitation.

p.p.s. "human equivalent of greenwashing" lol