Wednesday, November 5, 2008

no false claims

Over a year ago, I kind of had this thing with a nice dude who sent me lovingly assembled parcels filled with incense and mix cds and national geographic collages and homemade comics. When we finally united, woke up holding each other on his cramped single bed, something was different and cold and slimy in my stomach. I went home and he said "I am still in love with someone else - I'm sorry. I thought you were my ticket away from all this; I really did."

--> and I was pretty steamed.

(but I got over it----------and we didn't talk again)

Then yesterday I got a message from him saying he finally read my favourite book and he loved it.

I feel like boys are constantly deciding I'm not their ticket away and then cold-shouldering my feeble attempts at friendship.

----> so I didn't want to cold-shoulder this boy, even though he was sort of irresponsible with my feelings. he is a genuinely nice person who cares about people

I sent a short, polite message back. I'm glad he enjoyed the book.

I'm not trying to say "SO I'M A MODEL HUMAN BEING", because I'm not. But I think I am trying to say that it isn't so hard to forgive people. It's actually easy. Maybe too easy? I don't know. I don't like to be mad.


catherine anne said...

generally, I think that forgiving people in itself is too easy...but luckily, social structure seems to keep the badness at bay. You can always retreat into meaningless polite conversation when needed! (I think I just inadvertently quoted yeats, please don't think I'm trying to be a bigshot!)

cheepcheep said...

Haha, where is the inadvertent Yeats quote?

I actually like Yeats, probably mostly because my modernisms professor mercilessly attacks his work constantly. He was...sniffle...just dreaming of a nostalgic, pretty Ireland! IS THAT SO WRONG?

--->I'm trying to say, in a roundabout way, I agree re: social structure. Cool!