Wednesday, April 28, 2010

you hear me now.

I am visiting my hometown, which i have been counting down the days to forever.
I have seen three of my dearest friends (feminist posse!).
I have had the opportunity to hang out with my parents quite a bit.

And: I am, of course, unsatisfied. But more than that. I feel as though I'm wrapped up in a soft but strangely itchy veil, and i'm completely naked underneath. I need the veil's protection and it is inhibiting everything, at the same time.

Friday, April 16, 2010

we don't have to be anything quite so unreal

So, done.

I'm strangely not even that ecstatic. But I am really glad it's over. OVER!

My past few weeks have been really lovely and weird. I've been house-sitting at this house with an ungodly loud refrigerator and a suspiciously uncomfortable bed and super loud upstairs neighbours, but somehow this hasn't upset me too much. Instead, I have fitful sleep punctuated with bizarre dreams about refrigerators. It's kind of fun.

I shaved a small band of my head. On the left side of my head. It runs from my temple to the nape of my neck and you can't see it unless i wear my hair up. It feels like a newborn kitten, and I can be seen absent-mindedly stroking the patch behind my left ear (handy because I can adjust my glasses with my right hand at the same time).

Ten days from now, I'll be in Saskatchewan. Before that, I have a tonne of zines to finish and photocopy (on a real tight budget) and a festival to attend. Oy. I need to stop by Midoco and pick up some new pens, as I've been wearing them down like a fiend with everyday drawings. I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere. Maybe.

This summer I want to shriek with giggles and kick my feet, wholly delighted with something ridiculous. I wanna sit in the Cooleymobile at the Teen Sex Cove eating blood orange sorbet and talking shit and listening to silly music. Ohhh and drink baby duck by the Meewasin eat five-cent candy on the rooftops of Broadway listen to new order while i get ready for art shows.

Things are going to go well. I know this.